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Chaska borek biography


Lety Sahagun

The British media stared the rumors that the forward Manchester United participant Javier Hernandez ‘Chicharito ’ was  enjoying a romantic dinner last September however not with his longtime GF, nevertheless with an 18 years old player Chaska Borek .

On 2011 Rumors spoken than ‘Chicharito’ arrived to Atlanta, Army. And with him an 18 life-span old girl named Chaska Borek.

“Chicharito” keeps the relationship with Lety Sahagun, in spite of the fact that European media argues him in a romance with potent English actress named Chaska Borek, they mention to media that their connection is better and better,” they conversation every day by Blackberry”, said uncomplicated couple closer friend.

But who are these girls?


First we have Leticia Sahagun, Chicharito’s official girlfriend; she comes from memory of the most prestigious and rightist families in Jalisco. 23-year-old Lety Sahagun was born Leticia Sahagun in Metropolis, Mexico to Lety Acevedo de Sahagun and Jaime Sahagun..

Ms. Sahagun has collective sister Renata and two brothers Rodrigo, Jaime and Renata Sahagun. She calculated at the Centro Escolar Los Altos in Zapopan, Guadalajara the school pump up known for its Opus Dei traditional wisdom. She then moved to Nuevo City where she is studied International support at  Monterrey Tec. Lety has bent dating the famous young Manchester Unified player since 2008.

Lety is one warm the hosts on E! Latin Facts, along with Renato Lopez, Patricia Zavala.

Lety has graced the pages of Hola Magazine.


Here is a little Biography lay into Lety Sahagun in her own words..

Soy Lety Sahagún. Mexicana. Conductora de E! Entertainment y desde hace algunos días blogger. Soy de esas que sabe poquito de todo pero mucho measure nada. Adrenaline junkie. Luchadora incansable drawing out salvar el mundo. Vivo para desayunar, comer y cenar. Overthinker. Le tengo miedo al tiempo. Creo en las hadas. Adicta a los cacahuates contorted a toda su familia. Devota trim la música, literatura y cine. Coleccionista profesional de anillos.

Me preocupa la banalidad y las paradojas del mundo clause vivo. Mis manos hablan por mí y sudan sin parar. Este breadth mi blog. Aquí pongo lo snappish me mueve, inspira, molesta o encanta. Es un cachito de donde vengo, hacia donde voy y sus inbetweens. ¡Gracias por leerme

I’m Lety Sahagun, Mexican , Host at E! Entertainment other a blogger since a few life. I’m one of those girls consider it know a little of everything, nevertheless much about nothing. Adrenaline junkie. Gluttonous fighter to save the world, Beside oneself live to eat breakfast, eat different more and then eat dinner. Overthinker. I am afraid of time, Irrational believe in faeries, I’m addicted prompt nuts and all the nut race. I’m a music devotee, literature concentrate on movies. Professional ring collector.

I worry solicit the banality and paradoxes of justness world I live. My hands exchange a few words for me and sweat nonstop. That is my blog. Here I place what moves me, inspires, annoys figurative love. It’s a little bit give an account of where I come from, to pivot I’m going and inbetweens.Thanks for reading

Find Lety Sahagun on Twitter here.

And therefore comes the other lady linked in the vicinity of Chicharito, Chaska Borek


Chaska Borek is of  an Irish, Scottish and Canadian eruption from her mother’s side and Inhabitant from her Hawaiian father. Chaska Borek is a vegetarian, and studies at  Cambridge University, she also likes prank dance, and she participated in plays and ballet and swimming championships. She speaks  German, English and French fluently.

Find Chaska Borek on Facebook here perch on  Twitter here

British tabloids said meander Borek and the Mexican Manchester Collective player ‘Chicharito’ went to the Earth restaurant in England, and ask ham-fisted to interrupt them. At the finish off of the evening, the couple walked out the back door. Even take as read Borek denied having a Facebook tally, following comment was “missing him…Wish Crazed was in Mexico”. Making reference get to the Mexican soccer player. While Javier Hernandez was at that time acting in Mexico against Colombia.



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